Tools & Resources for Graphic Designers & Web Creatives

A list of our favorite tools and design resources recommended by designers, for designers.

 Graphic and web designers here in Memphis have provided us with a wealth of helpful tips and resources to make the graphic design process a little easier. Here is a list of some of our favorites:

Stock Photography

Quality photos are an integral part of web design, and it can be difficult to find images that truly stand out.

Fortunately, there are a growing collections of beautiful stock photography all over the web, and many of them are free!

PikWizard is the latest addition to the stock photography family. It holds over 100,000 images, with 20,000 that are completely exclusive to the site. What makes Pikwizard stand out is its high-quality images of people, which are few and far between on the best stock photography sites.

Photo by PixWizard

Tools for Web Designers

Resolution Scale Calculator – helps to scale pixel dimensions for various aspect ratios. For example, if you have an image that’s 500 x 262dpi, you might want to design it in a larger size. This tool helps a designer calculate the larger pixel resolution to accurately scale the image.
Simple HTML5 Editor – This tool allows the designer to generate basic HTML5 code using a simple interface. – This is a slightly more advanced code generator for HTML, CSS, and Java Script. It also includes code templates and other useful information for web designers. 
Adobe Color CC is our favorite color palettes generator. It allows you to generate random color schemes based on a single color or combination of colors. It also lets you store and save your favorite color schemes to PDF.
Adobe Color CC – Formerly known as Adobe Kuler, this color wheel helps a designer generate a pallet of complementary colors based off of a single color RGB or HEX code.

ColorZilla has a Chrome Extension and Firefox extension that allows designers to sample colors from any web page and generate CSS gradients.

Pantone Color Picker / Converter – Pantone has been a leader in colors for print media for a while now, but as a web or digital media designer, there are many advantages of using Pantone as a color guide.   

CSS Gradient Generator – This is a powerful Photoshop-like CSS Gradient Generator by ColorZilla. It’s one of the more powerful gradient generators we’ve found with options to generate gradients with markup for Chrome and Firefox.
Page Ruler is another Chrome extension that allows you to measure pixels in various elements of a web page. Firefox has an extension called Measure-It that’s very similar.
Lorem Ipsum Generators


Lorem Ipsum and Blind Text are a couple of useful tools for
generating dummy text for mockup designs.
Bacon Ipsum is a humorous lorem ipsum generator with a theme based around meat. Some similar generators are Cat Ipsum, Fillerama, Hipster Ipsum, Godfather Ipsum and one of our favorites, Zimbe Ipsum! Here are a few other funny Lorem Ipsum generators to shake up your design mockups
We will be adding more graphic and web design resources soon, so stay check back with us!

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