Why We Use & Recommend WordPress

We build on WordPress, the world’s most popular, open-source Content Management System, powering nearly 30% of websites on the internet. We are committed to the WordPress platform because it is:

Powerful & Flexible

With thousands of compatible applications available, we can customize WordPress to do virtually anything our clients need, from eCommerce, Robust Forms, Membership Systems, Real Estate MLS Systems, Booking Systems, Job Boards, and more.


Since WordPress is relied on by millions of large and small organizations around the world, it is well maintained. The developers stay on top of the latest browser and mobile device technologies, and provide frequent security and performance updates to stay ahead of the curve.

Search Engine Friendly

It is a known fact in our industry that search engines love WordPress because it has clean coding and other features that make it fast, mobile friendly, and easy to organize. It can also be enhanced with SEO tools to help developers and content managers give search engines what they need to properly index and display content in search results.

Mobile Friendly

WordPress provides us with the tools we need to make your website properly respond and adapt to the ever-growing variety of screen sizes and shapes.

Why We Use & Recommend WordPress 1

Built for Easy Content Management

Because WordPress is such a popular, well-established platform, there millions of non-web-professionals that already know how to manage and update content after the site is built. So it is generally easy to use and with the abundance of comprehensive online documentation and video tutorials it is easy for site owners to learn how to manage their own content if they choose to do so.

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